School of Applied Sciences
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A Message from Head of Department

Tourism is becoming more important to the economy in Turkey as it is in the rest of the world. In modern tourism notion, both management and staff must know modern managerial techniques, be creative and productive, and have the skills to think rationally and to develop creative strategies. Being able to speak more than one foreign language is necessary. To meet these needs, a good university education is needed. The main aim of our department is to provide students with the skills necessary for thinking analytically in order to meet the needs of tourism sector.

When the necessities of tourism business and the global changes are analysed, it is bright clear that ever-increasing manpower need of tourism business must be met by redressing the balance between general business disciplines and requirements of tourism as a business and applied field works. The manpower need will increase in parallel with the globalization. The main aim of our department is to provide students with the skills necessary for thinking analytically in order to meet the needs of tourism sector.  

The medium of instruction of the Department is Turkish. English preparatory school is optional.


Asst. Prof. Gül Nihan Güven YEŞİLDAĞ

Head of Department